Guest Book Reading at Bryn Mawr Elementary School

Brady Lucas

5/20/20241 min read

Brady did a guest book reading at Bryn Mawr Elementary School in Renton, WA for the kindergarten and first grade classes. During the book reading, many of the children shared it was the first time they had the chance to meet a published author. Brady continues to be inspired by the thoughtful conversations elementary aged children ask and how they want to learn more about becoming an author and cancer.

"Brady's visit to our school library was a great experience for our students! His book was engaging and allowed students to have the opportunity to think deeply about an often hard to approach subject in a caring, gentle, and relatable way. Many students met their very first real-life author during this visit-a memory that is sure to stay with them for years to come." -Caren Mintz, Bryn Mawr Elementary School Librarian